Muslim Festivals & Muslim Arts
Kasargod acquired considerable importance over the years ,as a centre of Islam, on the west coast. The District is famous for Mosques. Festivals known as Urooses are celebrated in the Makhams (grave of holy persons) every year. The Makhams are also known as Jarams and Urooses as Nerchas. The famous Urooses in the district are as follows.
Malik Dinar Mosque Uroos
The mosque, Juma Masjid which is one of the best kept and most attractive in the district is located at Thalangara, 2KM. away from Kasargod Town. This is believed to have been founded by Malik Ibu Dinar. It contains the grave of Malik Ibu Dinar and the place is sacred to Muslims. The Uroos is conducted in the name of Malik Ibu Mohammed. Religious speech is also conducted in connection with this. The one special feature of the Uroos is poor feeding. The Uroos attracts Pilgrims from all over India.
Thangal Uppappa Uroo
Thangal Uppappa Uroos at Muhayuddin Juma Masjid, Nellikkunnu, Kasargod Thangal Uppappa Uroos at Muhayyuddin Juma Masjid, Nellikkunnu near Kasargod Town is celebrated once in two years in memory of Thangal Uppappa Valiyullahi Mohammed Haneef. This is celebrated during December-January. The Nercha celebration lasts for seven to eleven days. Religious speeches by Muslim scholars are also conducted in connection with the festival. On the last day of the Uroos, mass-feeding takes place. It attracts people in thousands.
Eriyadi Makham Uroos
Eriyadi Makham Uroos at Bandadukka, Parappally Makham Uroos at Ambalathara in Hosdurg Taluk, Bekal Makham Uroos Paika Manavatty Uroos etc. are also famous and attracts a large number of people irrespective of caste and religion.
The muslims has adopted several foreign and Kerala visual art forms and made them their own with suitable changes. Of the several forms of art popular among the Mapplias are Aravana (Duff Muttu ), Kolkali, Oppana etc., which are fast dying out with the advent of modern forms of entertainments. Some of them are purely Arabian in origin, while others are either indigenous or partly indigenous and partly foreign. Following are the famous muslim arts.
Oppana is a song and dance ritual. It resembles the Kaikottikkalli practiced by women in Kerala. But it has more resembalnce to the song and dance ritual prevalent in Arabian countries, where women sit and sway their bodies as in a dance performance. It goes far into the night. It is held on the occasion of adorning the brides hand and feet with henna (Mailanchi). Circumcision of boys, first menstruation of girls, ceremonial bath of woman on the 14th day after parturition etc. On the occasion of henna ceremony, eight or ten women sit around the bride and sing songs, or stand around her singing, in praise of the bride and dancing. On the night previous to the marriage, in the bridgroom's house also his friends stand and sing in praise of the bridegroom. As an art it is performed in the stages and students and others irrespective of religion perform this art for competitions and in various functions. There are famous oppana troupes in the District. There is no doubt that it enchants the visitors.
Aravana Muttu
The muslim people of Kasargod also performs this art at the time of marriage or Urooses and other functions and ceremonies connected with mosques. The Aravana or Duff is a musical instrument of Arabian origin. In the Aravana Kalli, Duff muttu or Duff Kalli, as the art form is variously called the players (usually six in number) stand or sit facing each other sing songs, sway the body in different directions, just like in dance and produce rhythmic sounds by striking with their palms or figures on the duff.
There are several troupes of Duff Muttu connected with mosques and Madrasa. As an art ,it is also performed in the stage, and competitions are held in this item.
Kolkali in the district is performed and conducted by Muslims as well as Hindus. Muslim Kolkali is different from Hindu's kolkali. Muslims perform this art as a form of entertainment .It is very popular at the time of social gatherings and marriages. In the case of Hindus it is performed at the temple festivals and in connection with Theyyam (Kalliyattam). With its fast bodily movements and corresponding vocal expression, Kolkali attracts every body. The players acting in pairs, strike the koles in the hands of other players in a systematic manner in tune with songs sung in a captivating style. It is played according to Vaithari or Thalam by the Gurukkal (Teacher).
Kolkali Troups usually contains sixteen to twenty players. One of the players will sing and it will be repeated by others. Owing to the changes in fashion and tastes, Kolkali has also changed, just like other folk arts. There are famous Kolkali troups in the district connected with mosquesand Madrasas. Competitions are also conducted in this item. A visitor will get immense pleasure in seeing this art.
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